You signed the contract

Copyright © Art of Coping® All Rights Reserved.
A woman has been employed by a company. She’s been overworked and she is very tired – on the verge of exhaustion. She is trying to explain to her boss, that the workload is more than she can handle.

We enter the scene as the boss is explaining the rules and laying down the law.

There you are my worker.
Why you look so sad?
I won’t have it! Moper!
Stop! …or I’ll be mad!

You signed on the contract.
There you wrote your name.
Promised me your service.
Gave me all to claim.

(Now…) You do what I tell you.
You do what I say.
You do what I ask for.
Nothing else you may.

So smile my little worker.
Smile and make me glad.
Smile and shine. Be cheerful!
…unless it makes me mad.

What was that my worker?
Am I hard to please?
Scared you don’t know always,
what with me agrees?

This is not a problem,
A Problem is it not.
It’s work! …as intended.
Now give me what you’ve got.

So, my little worker.
You are my little bee.
Just do what I tell you.
You belong to me!

Look my little worker.
Look my payed for friend.
Do not with things bother,
You won’t comprehend.

Don’t you speak of problems!
Problems don’t exist.
There are merely challenges.
And you just must persist.

Now you STOP! your thinking
That is NOT! your job.
I have bought your freedom.
Don’t sit here and sob.

What was that my worker?
I did something wrong?
Don’t you make that judgement.
Now just move along.

If I say it’s rabbit,
and you say it’s snake.
Then it sure is rabbit.
Even if it’s fake.

(See…) All is MY! decision
And I’m above the law!
You do what I tell you!
Forget that which you saw!

You signed on the contract.
There you wrote your name.
Promised me your service
There is no disclaim.

You signed on the contract.
There you wrote your name.
…which you freely added,
and my slave became.

You do what I tell you.
You do what I say.
You do what I ask for.
Nothing else you may.

Copyright © Art of Coping® All Rights Reserved.

Author: Catrin Gärdlund